Category Archives: Xbox 360

Dishonored Gameplay Trailer

At last you can feast your eyes on some gloriously gory Dishonored gameplay. You play as Corvo Attano, once a legendary bodyguard for the Empress, who seeks vengeance against the Lord Regent who framed him for the assassination of the Empress.

Get your fingers on Dishonored October 9th in the US, and October 12th in Europe.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dawnguard (Official Trailer)

Bethesda released the first trailer for their upcoming DLC to Skyrim today, entitled “Dawnguard”. Keep an eye out for spooky castles, crossbows and demonic flying vampires.

Dawnguard is set to be released this summer on XBLA for 1600 Microsoft Points. PC and PS3 support have yet to be announced.